Cairo Sustainable Energy Week

Event Schedule Join Us at CSEW

Oct 1 - 3 , 2024 Cairo, Egypt

Venue – The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo

Day 1 - Tuesday, 1st of October

09:30 - 10:15

Room 1

Opening Ceremony


Strategic Conference Opening ceremony

10:15 - 11.30

11:30 - 12.30

The focus will be on the importance of regional and international collaboration in promoting sustainable energy and climate neutrality in the MENA region. It will explore how partnerships can enhance renewable energy development, knowledge sharing, and policy alignment. Participants will learn about successful cooperation frameworks and challenges, gaining insights from case studies and regional initiatives aiming at tripling renewable energy capacities (including MEDSEC initiative of 1TW by 2030 in the Mediterranean) and doubling energy efficiency efforts by 2030 to strengthen cooperation and accelerate the energy transition and achieve net-zero by 2050.

15 min : Photo and Press Conference

12:45 - 14:00

This theme will explore the strategies, policies and regulations impacting clean energy development in the MENA region. It will examine local, national, and regional regulatory frameworks, highlighting incentives like subsidies and tax benefits. Participants will learn about compliance challenges, strategies to navigate them, and the impact of international agreements like the Paris Agreement on regional energy policies and future regulatory changes.

During this panel, we will discuss the implications of the carbon trade market and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), focusing on its economic and trade impacts, compliance strategies, and potential to promote low-carbon practices and competitiveness. We will examine how exports from MENA countries like Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt—major exporters of steel, fertilizers, cement, and potentially green hydrogen— will be affected by this EU regulation.Emphasizing that CBAM should be seen as a driver for clean energy, we will highlight its critical role in the energy transition, it’s mitigation strat egies. While CBAM solutions are challenging and costly, they exist and support the development of green technologies.

14:00 - 15:00 : Lunch Break and networking

15:00- 16:00

This theme will focus on the opportunities and challenges of electrification and grid interconnection in Africa, with a particular emphasis on the MENA region’s role in supporting these efforts. It will explore how electrification projects can enhance energy access, economic development, and social well-being across the continent. Participants will learn about diffrent aspects of intergration, distribution and storage orenewables, grid interconnection projects, including cross-border electricity trade and regional power pools.

IRENA wishes to co-organize a session on the regional enerergy outlooks developed for 5 regions including North Africa. Let’s agree with them on the details.

16:00 - 17:00

This session will examine the modernization of energy grids and the adoption of smart energy systems to boost efficiency, reliability, sustainability, and increased shares of renewables. Topics include advanced technologies like smart meters, automated grid management, real-time data analytics. Participants will learn about benefits such as better energy distribution and renewable integration, and discuss challenges in upgrading infrastructure, enabling P2P, optimizing mini grids, ensuring cybersecurity, and managing the transition.

This theme explores the critical energy-water nexus in the MENA region, addressing water scarcity’s impact on energy security and water-efficient energy production methods. Topics include desalination, wastewater treatment, and integrated policies for sustainable resource management. It highlights synergies like using desalination for renewable energy storage and Green Ammonia production and fertiliz ers that play a major role in food security, emphasizing the social benefits and regional resilience.

17:00 - 18:00 : Networking and business meetings

Day 2 - Wednesday, 2st of October

9:30 - 10:30

Room 1

This theme explores the international strategies and timelines for the widespread adoption of green hydrogen technologies. It covers the current status of green hydrogen projects, future projections, key milestones, and the necessary infrastructure developments to enable global deployment. The discussion will include technological advancements, supply chain logistics, and collaboration between countries to achieve a unified green hydrogen economy.

9:00 - 09:45



10:30 - 11:30

This theme examines the development of green hydrogen corridors, which are networks of green hydrogen infrastructure that facilitate cross-border trade and partnerships. It looks at the logistics, regulatory challenges, and economic benefits of establishing these corridors. The focus is on creating seamless supply chains and fostering international cooperation to enable the efficient movement of hydrogen across regions.

UPDATED - This session will explore financing sustainable energy projects in the MENA region, focusing on models such as sustainable energy funds, green bonds, venture capital, and public-private partnerships (PPPs). We will delve into the dynamics of PPPs, including their benefits, challenges, and successful case studies. The session will also discuss the role of financial institutions in supporting decentralized renewable energy and energy efficiency, particularly in buildings and appliances. Participants will gain insights into the investment landscape for sustainable energy, including barriers, risks, and mitigation strategies. By examining case studies of successful green finance initiatives and PPPs, the session will highlight best practices and lessons learned for stakeholders seeking to navigate the complexities of sustainable energy financing and implementation in the region.

30 min : Coffee Break

12:00- 13:00

This theme explores the financial aspects and steps needed to establish and grow the green hydrogen economy, focusing on how to ensure their bankability and attract investment. It covers various financial instruments, funding mechanisms, and risk mitigation strategies that can support the development and commercialization of hydrogen technologies. Discussions will include insights from financial institutions, investors, and policymakers on creating a favorable investment climate. Additionally, it examines market drivers, business models, and regulatory frameworks that support the development of green hydrogen as a key energy source. Topics include market incentives, industry partnerships, demand creation, and the role of public and private sectors in fostering a robust green hydrogen market.

Presentation of various funding mechanisms available for climate mitigation and adaptation projects. Representatives from major financial institutions to discuss opportunities and challenges in securing finance for regional climate initiatives, emphasizing innovative and accessible funding solutions.

13:00- 14:00

This theme highlights the latest advancements and innovations in hydrogen production technologies. It includes discussions on cutting-edge research, emerging technologies, and breakthrough developments that are driving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of hydrogen production. Topics may cover advancements in electrolysis, thermochemical processes, biotechnological methods, and other innovative approaches that contribute to the sustainable and scalable production of hydrogen.

Highlight the crucial role of private sector banks and financial institutions in financing the energy transition and climate action. Discussion on strategies, initiatives, and partnerships to support sustainable energy projects and enhancing regional climate resilience.

14:00- 15:00 : Lunch Break and networking

15:00 - 16:00

The session will feature experts in energy transition and in tends to explore the following aspects: • The hydrogen economy: How to set conditions for a just hydrogen transition. • To assess the environmental impacts associated with the hydrogen supply chain. • To analyze the implications for energy and water access, labor regimes, and vulnerable livelihoods. • To explore the role of hydrogen diplomacy in shaping global energy policies and partnerships. • Call to action for inclusive and equitable approaches to hydrogen development and deployment.

UPDATED - Focus on the role of corporate companies and Chambers of Commerce in promoting energy transition and sustainable development in the region. Discussions on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, and impact investment as economic opportunities for growth and job creation. Examine how Chambers of Commerce can support the energy transition by fostering collaboration between businesses, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

16:00- 17:00

This theme focuses on the development and implementation of certification schemes for green hydrogen to ensure its quality, sustainability, and transparency. It includes discussions on the criteria for certification, the role of international standards, and the mechanisms for verification and auditing. The aim is to build consumer and investor confidence in green hydrogen by establishing clear and reliable certification processes that distinguish it from other types of hydrogen.

We will emphasize the role of startups and innovation in advancing sustainable energy solutions in the MENA region. It will explore how entrepreneurial ventures and innovative technologies can address the region’s energy challenges and contribute to a greener future. Participants will learn about the latest trends in energy innovation, such as clean tech startups, renewable energy technologies, and energy efficiency solutions. The theme will also cover the challenges startups face, including access to funding, market barriers, and regulatory hurdles. By showcasing successful startups and innovative projects, the discussions will provide insights into how the MENA region can foster a vibrant ecosystem for sustainable energy innovation.

30 min : Coffee Break

17:30 - 18:30

This theme explores the potential of green ammonia and green methanol as green hydrogen derivatives that can play a significant role in the green hydrogen economy. It covers the production processes, applications, and benefits of using green ammonia and reen methanol as carriers of green hydrogen energy. The discussion will also address the challenges and opportunities in integrating these derivatives into existing energy systems and their role in facilitating green hydrogen storage and transportation.

Summarize the key takeaways from the forum, highlighting successful initiatives, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts discussed throughout the day. It will emphasize the importance of continued dialogue and cooperation among regional stakeholders to achieve a sustainable and climate-resilient future for the Mediterranean region. Next step to COP 29.

Day 3 - Thuersday, 3st of October

9:30 - 10:00

Opening remarks

10:00 - 11:30

Room 1

Achieving a just and inclusive energy transition in the MENA region involves empowering women in the energy sector. This includes overcoming challenges faced by women, promoting gender diversity, providing opportunities for retraining, and reskilling. Empowering women in the green energy sector within the MENA region is crucial for advancing towards a more sustainable future. Addressing gender disparities in the sector is essential for achieving long-term environmental and social goals. Ensuring a just energy transition that involves and empowers women is key to respecting their rights and creating a more equitable and sustainable energy landscape. By integrating women into the transition process, a more inclusive and effective energy shift can be achieved.


9:30 - 10:15

We will emphasize the critical importance of energy efficiency across various sectors in the MENA region, including buildings, transportation, and industry. during this session we will explore innovative technologies and best practices that enhance energy efficiency, with a focus on the role of artificial intelligence. Discussions will cover advancements in energy-efficient building designs and retrofitting techniques that can significantly reduce energy consumption. We will also highlight smart transportation systems and the role of electric vehicles in promoting energy efficiency. Addition ally, we will delve into industrial process optimization, the integration of automation, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to achieve substantial energy savings. The theme will also address demand management, energy sufficiency, and the concept of sovereignty in the context of energy efficiency.

10:30 - 11:30

This session explores the current efforts aiming at catalyzing a policy transformation process to shift to climate-friendly cooling through the development of National Cooling Action Plans(NCAPs). It will discuss the need to build the capacity of national authorities and facilitate the development of NCAPs by developing a comprehensive NCAP methodology tailored to the regional context with flexibility to incorporate national policies and strategies, and linkages to Nationally Determined Contributions and Kigali Implementation Plans. The session will highlight how to address key cooling sectors, such as space cooling, food cold-chain, healthcare cold-chain, mobile air conditioning and industrial process cooling.

30 min : Coffee Break

12:00 - 13:00

Achieving a just and inclusive energy transition in the MENA region involves empowering women in the energy sector. This includes overcoming challenges faced by women, promoting gender diversity, providing opportunities for retraining, and reskilling. Empowering women in the green energy sector within the MENA region is crucial for advancing towards a more sustainable future. Addressing gender disparities in the sector is essential for achieving long-term environmental and social goals. Ensuring a just energy transition that involves and empowers women is key to respecting their rights and creating a more equitable and sustainable energy landscape. By integrating women into the transition process, a more inclusive and effective energy shift can be achieved.

During this session we will focus on the critical role of essential minerals in the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies. It will explore the importance of minerals such as lithium, cobalt, nickel, and rare earth elements in the production of batteries, wind turbines, and solar panels. The theme will address the challenges of sourcing these minerals sustainably, including environmental impacts, geopolitical considerations, and supply chain issues. Participants will learn about strategies for securing a stable supply of essential minerals, such as recycling, developing alternative materials, and promoting responsible mining practices. The goal is to understand how to support the growth of renewable energy while minimizing the ecological and social impacts of mineral extraction.

13:00- 14:00 : Lunch Break and networking

14:00 - 15:00

We will investigates how biodiversity intersects with su tainable energy in the MENA region. It discusses designing renewable energy projects to safeguard biodiversity, the environmental effects of energy technologies, and methods to reduce harm to ecosystems. Participants will explore integrating biodiversity into energy planning via habitat conservation and wildlife-friendly infrastructure, supported by case studies demonstrating effective harmony between nature and energy goals.

This theme will explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization in accelerating the energy transition in the MENA region. It will cover how AI and digital technologies can optimize energy production, distribution, and consumption, enhancing efficiency and sustainability. Participants will learn about the latest developments in AI-driven energy management systems, predictive maintenance, and smart grid technologies. The theme will also address the challenges of integrating digital solutions into the energy sector, such as data security, interoperability, and workforce training. Case studies of successful AI and digitalization projects will be shared to highlight best practices and lessons learned, demonstrating how these technologies can drive the energy transition in the MENA region.

15:00- 16:00

In partnership with Climate Champions

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